GALLERY OF WORKS -- A Bit More Abstract
The photographs in this gallery are a bit of fun. When I am out shooting, it is interesting to try to look for unusual scenes. Sometimes there is a surprise element when I review the shot with an interesting pattern or visual that is appealing. Here are a few that I have worked up. What do you think?

Click image for larger view. In case you were wondering, the copyright notice is removed from printed photographs.

Curves and Squares
A brick wall for the parking ramp at the Bausch & Lomb Place. A bit of snow and footprints on the sidewalk adds to the mood.

Frozen Ducks with Orange Balls
An absolutely frigid wind at the Irondequoit Bay Outlet caused even the ducks to ball up to protect against the wind.

"Dunes" of Rochester
Fooling you with a snow drift that can look like the dunes of the white sands

Snow Stairs
Following a "lake-effect" snow a bit of sun and differential melting caused an interesting repetitious pattern on the river-walk stairs outside the Clarion Riverside Hotel.

Complimentary Colors
Out a fair bit from the shore at one of the ponds at Durand-Eastman Park I was able to pull the maple leave up large enough with a 400mm lens to show its color contrast to the surrounding green floating plants.

Culvert Vision
At Salmon Creek in Pultneyville, NY this shot required a lot of image manipulations to maintain detail in the dark bridge underpass and the brightly lit creek beyond.

Windows as Mirrors
With a bit of effort with Photoshop to remove polarizing filter artifacts in the windows, this shot was taken from St. Mary's Church garden of the Excellus Blue Cross/Blue Shield building.

Wings Reflected
The wings atop the Times Square Building are reflected with the setting sun in the windows of the Riverside Convention Center.

Chase Tower Lines
The vertical lines of the Chase Tower Building are a dominate feature of the Rochester Skyline

Xerox Digital X
At the corporate office building on Clinton Avenue looking up at the Xerox Digital X (now replaced with a new corporation sign). Best printed at 10-in x 15-in and smaller.

From the 2006 Rochester Auto Show, the highly designed surfaces raises the question whether it is all functional or a work of technical art perfect for a photographer's reflection to hide within. Print available on KODAK EKTACOLOR Metallic paper.

Sand and Snow
Interesting patterns of driftwood, sand, and snow on Durand Beach following a bit of snow and a lot of wind.

Affinity with Gravity
Following a moderate ice storm, the miniature icicles formed on my deck. The print looks brilliant on KODAK EKTACOLOR Metallic paper.

Affinity with Gravity II
This image sub-samples the image on the left, the slight blur at the tip is from the formation of a drop that dropped during the long exposure time. The print looks brilliant on KODAK EKTACOLOR Metallic paper.


Ice on Deck
During the ice storm and with the subsequent rain, patterns form directly on the ice surface. The dark bits are where the rail need a bit of scrape and paint. The print looks brilliant on KODAK EKTACOLOR Metallic paper.

Perhaps suggestive, sweating with the condensation after being chilled. Exhibited for the "Food" show at High Falls Gallery, November 2006.

Pepper #2
Top has a brilliant contrast of green and orange.

Pepper #3
Contrast the bottom with the top. Portly.

All lines lead to the bottom. Exhibited for the "Food" show at High Falls Gallery, November 2006

Squash Signs
Wonderful patterns of color and texture from a Squash. Exhibited for the "Food" show at High Falls Gallery, November 2006

Ice Layered
At the lower falls on the Genesee River, the wind directs the rate of deposits of the river mist turned to ice. The buckling is apparently caused by the weight of the ice and the support difference below.
